We will help you reach your goals!
Become a Shore A.C. member
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Become a USATF member
Please be sure to insert Shore A.C.'s club code: 07-0101
Shore A.C. contacts
Elite, Open, Masters and Youth: Joe Compagni
Open and Masters Long Distance Running: Scott Linnell
Elite Track & Field: Tim Brennan
Open & Masters Track & Field: Harry Nolan
Youth Cross Country and Track & Field: Bob Andrews
Racewalking: John Soucheck
Any other questions, concerns or suggestions
Contact Club President, Erin O'Neill
Sign up or renew
Become a USATF member
Please be sure to insert Shore A.C.'s club code: 07-0101
Shore A.C. contacts
Elite, Open, Masters and Youth: Joe Compagni
Open and Masters Long Distance Running: Scott Linnell
Elite Track & Field: Tim Brennan
Open & Masters Track & Field: Harry Nolan
Youth Cross Country and Track & Field: Bob Andrews
Racewalking: John Soucheck
Any other questions, concerns or suggestions
Contact Club President, Erin O'Neill