April 16, 2023, Syracuse, NY: The Shore AC women's 40+ team celebrates a well-earned second place in the USATF Masters National Half Marathon. Left to right: Suzanne La Burt, Ali Marzulla, Susan Stirrat and Karen dos Santos.
Shore AC Results for the 2023 USATF National Masters Half Marathon Race in Syracuse, NY
Race date: April 16, 2023 Full USATF Results coming. Overall race results here from Leone Timing.
40+ Women:
2. Shore Athletic Club -A 4:44:11
Place Name Age Time
1 31 Karen Dos Santos 41 1:31:13
2 32 Suzanne La Burt 59 1:31:27
3 46 Alexandra Marzulla 52 1:41:31
4 xx Susan Stirrat 67 2:03:29
40+ Men:
2. Shore Athletic Club -A 4:52:46
Place Name Age Time
1 21 Christopher Moye 43 1:26:56
2 37 Christopher Rinaldi 53 1:33:41
3 68 Scott Linnell 66 1:52:09
60+ Men:
3. Shore Athletic Club -A 5:15:33
Place Name Age Time
1 50 Reno Stirrat 68 1:42:37
2 51 Kevin McCormack 61 1:42:42
3 62 Harry Pino 63 1:50:14
40+ Women:
2. Shore Athletic Club -A 4:44:11
Place Name Age Time
1 31 Karen Dos Santos 41 1:31:13
2 32 Suzanne La Burt 59 1:31:27
3 46 Alexandra Marzulla 52 1:41:31
4 xx Susan Stirrat 67 2:03:29
40+ Men:
2. Shore Athletic Club -A 4:52:46
Place Name Age Time
1 21 Christopher Moye 43 1:26:56
2 37 Christopher Rinaldi 53 1:33:41
3 68 Scott Linnell 66 1:52:09
60+ Men:
3. Shore Athletic Club -A 5:15:33
Place Name Age Time
1 50 Reno Stirrat 68 1:42:37
2 51 Kevin McCormack 61 1:42:42
3 62 Harry Pino 63 1:50:14
April 16, 2023, Syracuse, NJ: The Shore AC men's 60+ squad beams with delight over finishing the race against considerable odds and thereby making the podium. Left to right: Kevin McCormack, Harry Pino and Reno Stirrat.
Shore AC Muscles Through 'Cuse with No 'Xcuse(s)
An athlete's mettle is revealed by obstacles. We encountered plenty at the USATF Masters National Half Marathon in Syracuse. Everyone faced a common enemy in the weather. It was perfect for a picnic: a bright sun in cloudless skies rapidly warming the calm, mild early morning air. For us half-marathoners, however, it sucked our energy. Many stopped to walk. Needless to say, times suffered. In addition, many of us faced unique personal challenges. But we Shore AC harriers knew that our teams needed us to pull through. And that we did!
April 16, 2023, Syracuse, NY: The Shore AC men's 40+ team exudes confidence prior to the start of the race, knowing that they have second place wrapped up if each of the three team members can just cross the finish line! Left to right: Chris Moye, Scott Linnell and Chris Rinaldi.
Challenges popped up among our women weeks before the race. Initially, it appeared that we might have enough gals to enter a team in each of the 40+, 50+ and 60+ age groups. But the race gods, like the Greek gods of old, seem to enjoy wreaking havoc on us frail earthlings. Injuries, illnesses and family emergencies whittled our numbers down to the point where we had only enough ladies for one team.
Our women took the hand they were dealt and played it beautifully! We entered a 40+ team despite that division having more competition than any other age group. No matter: the ladies came through with a solid second place among four teams. Karen dos Santos forged the path to the podium with a splendid 1:31:13. Gunner Suzanne La Burt surfed in Karen's wake, jolting a 1:31:27 dinger that placed her second in age grading among women at over 90%. Ali Marzulla proved that she has almost fully recaptured her pre-injury form as she delivered a terrific 1:41:31 to wrap up team scoring. By the way, Ali snared second place in her 50-54 age group. Susan Stirrat ran spectacularly in her backup role, shaving more than 20 seconds per mile off of her time on the same course last year with a magnificent 2:03:29. With this accomplishment, Susan won her 65-69 age group! Hooray, ladies!
Our women took the hand they were dealt and played it beautifully! We entered a 40+ team despite that division having more competition than any other age group. No matter: the ladies came through with a solid second place among four teams. Karen dos Santos forged the path to the podium with a splendid 1:31:13. Gunner Suzanne La Burt surfed in Karen's wake, jolting a 1:31:27 dinger that placed her second in age grading among women at over 90%. Ali Marzulla proved that she has almost fully recaptured her pre-injury form as she delivered a terrific 1:41:31 to wrap up team scoring. By the way, Ali snared second place in her 50-54 age group. Susan Stirrat ran spectacularly in her backup role, shaving more than 20 seconds per mile off of her time on the same course last year with a magnificent 2:03:29. With this accomplishment, Susan won her 65-69 age group! Hooray, ladies!
Similarly for the Shore AC men, calamity struck during the weeks and days leading up to the race. What initially appeared to be a very solid M60+ team eroded to a somewhat shaky trio due to attrition. The remaining threesome -- Reno Stirrat, Kevin McCormack and Harry Pino -- each faced troubles that could upend their races. Reno had dropped out of a race two weeks prior due to chronic upper leg problems. Kevin had recently finished a several-year injury rehab and had not run a half marathon in a long time. Harry runs with a repaired heart, leaving his doctor and his wife with their hearts in their mouths every time he enters a race. But they came through! There were setbacks along the way. Reno felt compelled to stop and walk 7 times -- a new "record" for him -- yet he toughed out a remarkable 1:42:37. Meanwhile, Kevin had started his race well but, around Mile 6, felt Montezuma looking for revenge. After a 4-minute visit to a well-positioned Port-a-John, Kevin returned to the race and finished just behind Reno in 1:42:42. Harry had to stop soon after Mile 1 to allow his heart to settle down. Two minutes did the trick, and Harry resumed the hunt, flying along at a 7:15-per-mile pace. That lasted until Mile 9, when Harry lost focus and headed off course. A medic intervened and indicated that Harry should drop out of the race. Harry said thank but no thanks, got back on course and powered through to the finish in 1:50:14. While none of our brave lads ran the race they had hoped, they were still proud as peacocks to have completed the race! It even earned them a third-place spot on the podium. Bravo, gents!
Shore AC was also able to scrape together a men's 40+ team. It consisted of guys from three different 10-year age groups: 40+, 50+ and 60+. Obviously, this triplet wasn't likely to threaten Genesee Valley potent 40+ team for the win. But, with only two teams in the 40+ division, all that the three Shore AC runners needed to do was finish the race and second place would be theirs! 43-year-old Chris Moye did his part to make the team look respectable, ripping a superb 1:26:56 to get the ball rolling. 53-year-old Chris Rinaldi pulled his weight as well, powering through with an excellent 1:33:41 as second man. The team's fate now rested with 66-year-old Scott Linnell. Thank goodness nothing was really at stake for the team, because minutes kept ticking by with no Scott in sight. Finally, at 1:52:09, Lumbering Linnell lurched across the timing strips to put worries to rest. At that moment, the Shore AC men's 40+ team entered the 2023 Grand Prix scoreboard in a tie for ninth place with 90 points. Will we see the team climb higher in subsequent races? Stay tuned!
Individual Accomplishments
I will fill in this section when the official USATF results are posted.
I will fill in this section when the official USATF results are posted.
April 15, 2023, Syracuse, NY: Shore AC members gather a Francesca's Cucina to wine and dine the night before their big race. Left to right: Harry Pino, Scott Linnell, Kevin McCarthy, Reno Stirrat, guest Pam Fales of USATF, Chris Rinaldi, Karen dos Santos and Ali Marzulla.